Aluminum Bench, Volume Gallery

The Aluminum Bench was presented at Volume Gallery from June 15, 2015 — July 16, 2015, alongside kiosks installed with the ShopFloor app and a series of drawings by Nathan Antolik, exploring an alphabet of possible shapes for the Aluminum Bench.

Aluminum Bench, Volume Gallery
  1. Boat
  2. Boat
  3. Boat
  4. Boat
  5. Boat
  6. Boat
  7. Public Benches
  8. Public Benches
  9. Public Benches
  10. Public Benches
  11. Rennsport Reunion 7
  12. Rennsport Reunion 7
  13. Rennsport Reunion 7
  14. Skateboard
  15. Skateboard
  16. Skateboard
  17. Skateboard
  18. Skateboard
  19. Skateboard
  20. Skateboard
  21. Skateboard
  22. Skateboard
  23. Skateboard
  24. Skateboard
  25. Skateboard
  26. Square Chair
  27. Kvadrat Flagship Showroom, NYC
  28. Kvadrat Flagship Showroom, NYC
  29. Kvadrat Flagship Showroom, NYC
  30. Kvadrat Flagship Showroom, NYC
  31. Kvadrat Flagship Showroom, NYC
  32. Blum & Poe Book store
  33. Blum & Poe Book store
  34. Blum & Poe book store
  35. Blum & Poe Book store
  36. Plywood and Cork Screens
  37. Plywood and Cork Screens
  38. Plywood and Cork Screens
  39. Hem San Francisco
  40. Hem Pop-Up San Francisco
  41. Hem Pop-Up San Francisco
  42. Camper Store
  43. Camper Store
  44. Camper Store
  45. Camper Store
  46. Camper Store
  47. Granite Benches
  48. Granite Benches
  49. Brujas Training Facility
  50. Brujas Training Facility
  51. Brujas Training Facility
  52. Solid Textile Screen
  53. Solid Textile Screen
  54. Solid Textile Screen
  55. Concrete Petanque Terrains and Aluminum Bench
  56. Realgar
  57. Twill Weave Daybed
  58. Room for a Daybed
  59. Selected Works
  60. Vitra Presents Work
  61. Sunset
  62. Longing
  63. Longing
  64. Longing
  65. Aluminum Bench / Sainsbury Gallery
  66. Aluminum Bench / Sainsbury Gallery
  67. Twill Weave Daybed
  68. Twill Weave Daybed
  69. Aluminum Bench, Volume Gallery
  70. Vitra Workspace
  71. Vitra Workspace: An Office Perspective
  72. Photo by David Van Severen
  73. Dog
  74. Olivares Aluminum Chair
  75. Aluminum Bench
  76. Aluminum Bench
  77. Source Material
  78. Source Material
  79. Delivery
  80. Aluminum Chair
  81. Aluminum Chair
  82. Olivares Aluminum Chair
  83. Aluminum Chair
  84. An Exploded View
  85. An Exploded View
  86. Library and social hub
  87. Library and social hub
  88. Joint
  89. A Small Museum for the American Metaphor
  90. Polyurethane Seating Platform
  91. Polyurethane Seating Platform
  92. Smith
  93. Smith
  94. Smith
  1. Contact
  2. Biography
  3. Website